Rejuvenator Platinum
Where it helps
• Peripheral arterial disease (PAD, stage I - IV)
• Diabetic foot syndrome
• Restless legs syndrome
• Chronic wounds (arterial, venous and mixtum)
• Postthrombotic syndromes (CVI)
• Sec. Lymphedema and combined lymphatic / lipoedema
• Atherosclerotic erectile dysfunction (ED)
• Post-operative and post-traumatic rehabilitation
• Regeneration acceleration (e.g. in top sports)
• Passive vascular and walking training
• Regeneration acceleration
• Purification (lymphatic system)
• Vascular training, stimulation of blood circulation
• Increase in vitality
• Prevention
• Figure training
• Supporting weight loss programs
• Detoxification
• Increase in training effects
• Improves collagen synthesis
Development history
Origin in space medicine
The Intermittent vacuum therapy -IVT- has its technological origin in space medicine. In the absence of gravity (weightlessness), astronauts in space have to undergo a vacuum application every ten hours in a LBNPD (Lower Body Negative Pressure Device) to avoid orthostatic complications; this is the only way to ensure adequate blood circulation in the periphery.
The further development of the LBNPD is the Rejuvenator Platinum Regeneration System. The device was developed at the Institute for Space Medicine of the German Aerospace Society (DLR).
Mode of action of Intermittent Vacuum Therapy - IVT -
Like a second external heart
Intermittent vacuum therapy - IVT - alternately applies negative pressure (vacuum) and positive pressure to the lower extremities. This physiologically causes rhythmic vascular dilation and vascular compression, through that naturally provoking the >>flow<< in a purely physical way.
The result: Blood circulation, capillarization and increase in venous and lymphatic reflux. This supports the acceleration of wound healing, extends walking distances, relieves pain and
decisively improves the quality of the patients' lifes. The treatment is completely painless regardless of the disease.
Keep the pace!
Weak veins, tired feet, leg pain or circulatory problems?
Did you know that...?
... Every second citizen in the world dies from a heart attack or stroke? This is usually the result of arteriosclerosis.
... that almost one in five suffers from circulatory disorders in the legs? Particularly affected are people over 50 and diabetics. The consequences are pain during prolonged walking (intermittent claudication) or limited performance.
... according to a large health study conducted by the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, about 90% of adults suffer from weak veins. The signs are spider veins, varicose veins or tired and swollen feet and legs.
You should definitely become active and prevent it in time. In any case, it is recommended to specifically train the vessels and the good blood circulation.
By the way: A simple test can provide information about your risk and a possible circulatory disorder: the ankle-arm index. The test lasts only a few minutes and is offered in leading fitness and health clubs.
Over Rejuvenator Platinum the people get a perfect vascular training. An important component for health and for a good figure.
Good shape – good health
Firm skin and tight connective tissue.
A tight connective tissue is important for our figure and for our health. If the connective tissue is not firm enough, fat cells can inflate. So-called "depot fats" can accumulate and cause the unwelcome fat pads.
Belly, legs and bottom
When the connective tissue becomes flaccid, the so-called "physiological muscle pump" does not work sufficiently because it lacks the connective tissue counterpressure. As a result, less lymph flows, which can cause cellulite. More and more, venous reflux can also be affected. The consequences may be spider veins, varicose veins or congestion.
It is recommended to specifically train the connective tissue and the vessels. Numerous qualified fitness and health clubs give you special offers. Der Rejuvenator Platinum is the optimal Selution against these complaints.
Guaranteed visible swells will follow after a few sessions
It is necessary to got to a fitness center or pay a lot of money in a beauty salon.
The extra performance for all performance and recreational athletes!
.. is the process that leads to the recovery of the physical state of balance after each workout.
Every high-performance athlete knows that the right regeneration is just as important as the training itself. This is the only way to achieve optimal performance. After each workout you need to give your body time to recover sufficiently. It must be able to break down excess lactates and fully develop the repair mechanisms of the muscles. It also includes the adequate supply of your muscles with nutrients and oxygen.
This applies to those who are just beginning their training too. In any case, it is advisable to actively stimulate blood circulation and the removal of metabolic waste products via the lymphatic system after training.
Over Rejuvenator Platinum you get the optimal vascular training. An important component for your health and to increase your performance in interaction with your training.
This is where it comes in:
Facilities for physical therapy
Practices for Vascular Medicine / Vascular
Diabetes centers
Wound care centers
Leg clinics Orthopedics
Rehabilitation facilities
Sports medicine
Industrial medicine